Chapter 4.5 Release

Here is the epilogue, which is an extension of Chapter 4. The update to the story is not much, but is important. However, I’ve gone through the code to allow for people to change the font for dialogue and the size of the text under the preference section of the menu.  

That being said, the font option works with most of the dialogue except for the main charater. Given that the main character has a different font than the rest, knowing how to also change their specific text font under the preference option goes beyond my technical ability for coding. Though giving some suggestions on how to fix it would be appreciated.  

For the text size option, I would be careful using it. You can make it too big and have the text cut off.

Hope you all enjoy.

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(1 edit)

A few things, first thank you for adding a font selector, it'll makes things a lot easier to read. Second, while on the topic, could you add a 'Hide' button? Desktop users can middle mouse click or press H, but mobile users can't. To add one, add this to line 1437 in screens.rpy: 

textbutton _("Hide") action HideInterface()

I'm including some changes you can make to change naff's font, as well as some other changes:

1) Change style prefix of font selector from check to radio
2) Change names of fonts in gui preferences from font_1, font_2 to more descriptive names. Make the same changes in the actions of the font selector.
3) Add 2 fonts to gui.preferences for naff's text and naff's name.
4) Change the gui.button_text_font definition to allow for it's font to be changed too.
4) Add the actions to change these 3 new fonts to the font selector buttons in options.
5) Change naff's character definition from what_font, who_font to what_prefix and who_prefix
(1 edit)

Exact Additions to make:



Line 76

## The font used for naff's text.
define gui.naff_text_font = gui.preference("naff_text_font", "fonts/beer_money.ttf")
## The font used for naff's name.
define gui.naff_name_font = gui.preference("naff_name_font", "fonts/beer_money_names.ttf")


This is to add a hide button to the game.

screens.rpy in the 2 quick menu sections. the first is for desktop users, who can press h or middle mouse button already, but the option is here. the second is for mobile users.:

Line 262:  textbutton _("Hide") action HideInterface()
Line 1437: textbutton _("Hide") action HideInterface()


Exact Changes to make:



Line69:     define gui.text_font = gui.preference("font_1", "fonts/dum1.ttf")
changes to  define gui.text_font = gui.preference("text_font", "fonts/dum1.ttf")
Line72:     define gui.name_text_font = gui.preference("font_2", "fonts/KELMSCOT.TTF")
changes to  define gui.name_text_font = gui.preference("name_text_font", "fonts/KELMSCOT.TTF")
Line75:     define gui.interface_text_font = gui.preference("font_3", "fonts/KELMSCOT.TTF")
changes to  define gui.interface_text_font = gui.preference("interface_text_font", "fonts/KELMSCOT.TTF")
Line 176:   define gui.button_text_font = "fonts/Zamolxis-V.ttf"
changes to  define gui.button_text_font = gui.preference("button_text_font", "fonts/Zamolxis-V.ttf")

This allows the button font to be changed too.

I changed these to have more descriptive names, to make managing them easier.




Line740:    style_prefix "check"
changes to  style_prefix "radio"
Line742:    textbutton _("Default") action [gui.SetPreference("font_1", "fonts/dum1.ttf"), gui.SetPreference("font_2", "fonts/KELMSCOT.TTF"), gui.SetPreference("font_3", "fonts/KELMSCOT.TTF")]
changes to  textbutton _("Default") action [gui.SetPreference("text_font", "fonts/dum1.ttf"), gui.SetPreference("name_text_font", "fonts/KELMSCOT.TTF"), gui.SetPreference("interface_text_font", "fonts/KELMSCOT.TTF"), gui.SetPreference("button_text_font", "fonts/Zamolxis-V.ttf"),  gui.SetPreference("naff_text_font", "fonts/beer_money.ttf"), gui.SetPreference("naff_name_font", "fonts/beer_money_names.ttf")]
Line743:    textbutton _("OpenDyslexic") action [ gui.SetPreference("font_1", "OpenDyslexic.otf"), gui.SetPreference("font_2", "OpenDyslexic.otf"), gui.SetPreference("font_3", "OpenDyslexic.otf")]
changes to  textbutton _("OpenDyslexic") action [ gui.SetPreference("text_font", "OpenDyslexic.otf"), gui.SetPreference("name_text_font", "OpenDyslexic.otf"), gui.SetPreference("interface_text_font", "OpenDyslexic.otf"), gui.SetPreference("button_text_font", "OpenDyslexic.otf"), gui.SetPreference("naff_text_font", "OpenDyslexic.otf"), gui.SetPreference("naff_name_font", "OpenDyslexic.otf")]

I used OpenDyslexic as an example font here, as it is what was being changed to, but it should work for other fonts too. 

I also included changes to allow for the button font to be changed too.




In all of the naff charater definitions:

            what_font="fonts/beer_money.ttf", who_font="fonts/beer_money_names.ttf"
changes to  what_prefix="{font=[gui.naff_text_font]}", who_prefix="{font=[gui.naff_name_font]}"


Why did Itch have to ruin the formatting?

Exact Additions to make:



Line 76

## The font used for naff's text. 
define gui.naff_text_font = gui.preference("naff_text_font", "fonts/beer_money.ttf") 
## The font used for naff's name. 
define gui.naff_name_font = gui.preference("naff_name_font", "fonts/beer_money_names.ttf")


This is to add a hide button to the game.

screens.rpy in the 2 quick menu sections. the first is for desktop users, who can press h or middle mouse button already, but the option is here. the second is for mobile users.:

Line 262:  textbutton _("Hide") action HideInterface() 
Line 1437: textbutton _("Hide") action HideInterface()


Exact Changes to make:



Line69:   define gui.text_font = gui.preference("text_font", "fonts/dum1.ttf")
Line72:   define gui.name_text_font = gui.preference("name_text_font", "fonts/KELMSCOT.TTF")
Line75:   define gui.interface_text_font = gui.preference("interface_text_font", "fonts/KELMSCOT.TTF")
Line 176: define gui.button_text_font = gui.preference("button_text_font", "fonts/Zamolxis-V.ttf")

This allows the button font to be changed too.

I changed these to have more descriptive names, to make managing them easier.




Line740: style_prefix "radio"
Line742: textbutton _("Default") action [gui.SetPreference("text_font", "fonts/dum1.ttf"), gui.SetPreference("name_text_font", "fonts/KELMSCOT.TTF"), gui.SetPreference("interface_text_font", "fonts/KELMSCOT.TTF"), gui.SetPreference("button_text_font", "fonts/Zamolxis-V.ttf"),  gui.SetPreference("naff_text_font", "fonts/beer_money.ttf"), gui.SetPreference("naff_name_font", "fonts/beer_money_names.ttf")]
Line743: textbutton _("OpenDyslexic") action [ gui.SetPreference("text_font", "OpenDyslexic.otf"), gui.SetPreference("name_text_font", "OpenDyslexic.otf"), gui.SetPreference("interface_text_font", "OpenDyslexic.otf"), gui.SetPreference("button_text_font", "OpenDyslexic.otf"), gui.SetPreference("naff_text_font", "OpenDyslexic.otf"), gui.SetPreference("naff_name_font", "OpenDyslexic.otf")]

I used OpenDyslexic as an example font here, as it is what was being changed to, but it should work for other fonts too. 

I also included changes to allow for the button font to be changed too.




In all of the naff charater definitions, replace all

  what_font="fonts/beer_money.ttf", who_font="fonts/beer_money_names.ttf"


  what_prefix="{font=[gui.naff_text_font]}", who_prefix="{font=[gui.naff_name_font]}"

Thanks for the help. I'm not at all a coder, and so I'll try this out for the next update. 

You' welcome. If you have any difficulties with these changes, let me know and I'll try to help.