Chapter 2 Release

Okay. For this update I'd did some future proofing, by have a chapter select menu when starting the game. This update took a good amount of time and effort, and so the next update might take longer to come out. As always please notify me if you run into any errors or grammar mistakes with Trio, because this is some of my first time coding and also I not much of writer either.

I thank you for your patience, and hope you all enjoy chapter 2.

Files 283 MB
Aug 27, 2023
Trio-0.2-android-.apk 276 MB
Aug 27, 2023

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While they both are bit of jerks to each other, they are in equal measure, you have done good job of tension gain and release without it getting out of control.  This gives a feeling there is hope for them to get along better yet.  Boy is rude but not extreme, merely a personality based on his circumstances, perhaps he will be better behaved later on.  Ah! You reap what you sow... *sigh* this why you don't assume things.  And yet still, no good deed goes unpunished..., however...! XD  Oh gawd! Many stereotypes in one! XD

Oh and humans never learn, or least many of them don't... but don't make too big of mistakes, else learning is the last thing you be doing!

While your VN is more on the simple side, I feel like you have put it cleverly between making the jokes seem logical and making the seriousness of the future mysterious.

Thanks, I'm glad you enjoyed it.